Monday 23 July 2012

Exercise for thighs and butts

Warm up: At first, Do some exercise and gym bicycling in 10 to 15 mins for warm up.

Squat: Stand straight with your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Hold a light weight barbell on your shoulder behind the neck. keep your back straight and head up. Bent at the knees and push your hips backward. just like you are sitting in a chair. lower down until your hips are lower than the knee. Extend your legs and return to starting position. Repeat 3 x 15-20.

Standing Hip Extension: Stand straight and hold a bar with both hands. Place your ankle strap around your one ankle. Make sure ankle strap should be attached to the low pulley cable. This is a starting positions. Stabilize yourself and raise your attached leg backwards, by extending your hip. Return your leg to  its starting positions and complete number reps. And then continue with another leg. Repeat 3 x 20-25.

Lying Bridge: Lie on your back on the floor. place your hands close your body and palms down on the floor. Bent your knees. Inhale and raise your buttocks and hips up off the floor. Stay in few seconds on that positions. keep your head and shoulder firmly on the floor. Exhale and return to its starting positions. Repeat 3 x 20-25.

Dumbbell lunges: Stand with your feet in shoulder width apart. And hold your dumbbell in both hand. Step forward two feet forming a 90 degree bend at the front hip and knee, holding the body as straight as possible. Push off front foot, return to start position. Repeat with same leg to complete reps. Do the same process on another leg. Repeat 3 x 10-15.

kneeling Cable kick backs: Starting Position a bench in front of Pulley machine. kneel your left leg of the bench and place your hands under the shoulder. Attach the strap above your right ankle. Start the kick back from a leg-forward position. Bring your leg backwards to as high as possible and hold in a few seconds. Slowly Lower and repeat until your repetitions are complete. Do it same your other leg. Repeat 2 x 25-30.

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